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Troubleshooting issues

Learn how to check if the app is registered correctly and how to correct it

Bart C avatar
Written by Bart C
Updated over 5 years ago

This article applies to Discount Ninja version 3 and above

Check if assets are installed

To check if the assets of the app are correctly installed, you can use the following methods:

  • When you click the Test button of a trigger, a new tab will open. That tab should display a small "Test output" popup. If you don't see that popup, the app is not properly registered.

  • You can also check the console of your browser. It should include a line that looks like this:

(Re)install assets

If the assets are not properly installed, first go to Settings > General > Assets 

and click the Re-install assets button:

Test again, on a different tab.

Ensure the script is registered

If that does not fix the problem, you'll need to edit your theme.
Find your theme.liquid file firs.
Not sure how to find or edit the file? Read this article first.
In the file, look for </head>.
Just before </head> the following line should be included:

{% include 'limoniapps-discountninja-header' %}

Now look for </body> (at the end of the file typically).
Just before </body> the following line should be included:

{% include 'limoniapps-discountninja-body' %}

Save your theme.liquid file and test again, on a different tab.

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