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Shopify discount codes redeemed at checkout

Learn how to allow your customers to redeem a Shopify discount code at checkout that stacks on top of Discount Ninja promotions

Bart Coppens avatar
Written by Bart Coppens
Updated over a week ago

IMPORTANT NOTE: Discount Ninja Sales Channel is no longer supported by Shopify, we recommend removing it if you have it installed. This article explains how to remove it.

This article is part of a series, for more information about other scenarios related to combining and stacking promotions check out this article.

The recommended way to allow for redeeming Shopify discount codes when using on Discount Ninja promotions is to use the Discount Ninja cart promotion code field, as documented here.

By default, customers cannot redeem a Shopify discount code at checkout when Discount Ninja promotions are applied to the checkout. Note that gift cards are allowed.

To override this go to Settings > Checkout options > Stacking a Shopify discount code at checkout.

This solution is no longer recommended because of the following known limitations.
Please review those limitations carefully:

  • Not reported under "Online Store" channel: orders that are prepared by Discount Ninja using the sales channel companion app are not reported by Shopify under the "Online Store" channel, instead they are under the "Discount Ninja" sales channel. There is no workaround for this issue.

  • Abandoned checkout email sequence: Shopify's built-in abandoned checkout emails are not sent out for abandoned checkouts that were prepared by Discount Ninja using the sales channel companion app. You can work around this issue by relying on a 3rd party (such as Klaviyo or Drip) to manage the abandoned checkout email sequence.

  • Order status URL: when a checkout is prepared by Discount Ninja using the sales channel, Shopify sends customers to a checkout on the domain rather than the regular domain of the shop. This causes the order status URL to contain the domain rather than the regular domain of the shop.

  • Tracking and conversion details: when a checkout is prepared by Discount Ninja using the sales channel, Shopify sends customers to a checkout on the domain rather than the regular domain of the shop. This causes issues with Shopify's conversion details and results in Shopify reporting all sales as 'direct'. This can also cause issues with tracking software (Google Analytics, ...). A workaround is available for Google Analytics here.

  • Shopify Plus Scripts support: Shopify Plus Scripts do not trigger on any checkout prepared by Discount Ninja (regardless of whether that checkout is prepared using the sales channel or not).

Here's a demo of exactly how the discount field on the checkout works:

Note: the Discount Ninja Sales Channel settings were recently moved to Settings > Checkout options. You'll find the options in the "Stacking a Shopify discount code at checkout" tab.

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