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You can refer to the combination of one trigger and one or more offers as a promotion.
Offers define a discount you want to provide to visitors and customers.
A single promotion may contain multiple offers after the promotion has been created completely.
Additional offers can be added by clicking Edit > Offers > Add new offer.
An offer provides one of the following:
Percentage discount (product/order level)
Fixed amount discount (product/order level)
Tiered/Volume discounts
BOGO/BXGY (cross-sell)
Free gift with purchase
Fixed price per unit
Free shipping
An offer can include cart rules, such as:
Purchase requirements: a minimum quantity or price that must be spent
The products or collections that benefit from the offer
Excluded products or collections
Whether or not the offer allows stacking
Triggers come in three flavors:
Automatic rules: these are public promotions, they are automatically triggered if the conditions apply.
Wait for visitor behavior: a promotion that triggers based on the time spent on pages, pages visited, exit intent, etc.
Shareable link and/or promotion code in the cart (not at checkout): these are private promotions, they are hidden and only displayed if a customer access the shop with a link that contains a token specific to the trigger, or uses a Promotion code in the cart promotion code field. You can share the link/code via social media, email, sms, messenger, or paid ads.
Triggers can contain conditions:
Maximum uses: control if customers can use the offers in this promotion more than once.
Schedule: configure when your promotion starts/ends.
Audience: provide the offer or prevent the offer from being provided to signed-in customers, based on their tags.
Geotargeting: trigger offers only for those connecting from specific countries or those not connecting from specific countries.
Referrers: trigger offers for those that come from specific domains, such as Facebook, Google, etc.
Urgency: configure if the promotion should expire for individual customers to create urgency.
Exclusivity: configure if this promotion is exclusive (i.e. the only promotion that is taken into account when offered to a visitor) or if it can be combined with other promotions.
Automatic promotions cannot be marked as exclusive unless targeting is enabled. Enable either referrers, audience, or geotargeting.
All the offers within a single promotion abide by the same Trigger rules.
You can document multiple shareable links for the same trigger. This is useful if you want to create a separate link for each discounted product or collection and share those links with your customers.