Bundle offers
Discount Ninja allows you to bundle multiple offers in a promotion and trigger the promotion with a single link or promotion code.
This means you can use a single link or promotion code to offer a number of deals to a customer in one go.
For example you can set up:
10% off and free shipping
$50 off and free shipping
10% off on collection 1 and 20% off collection 2
A BOGO on a collection and a GWP over $50
A GWP over $50 and a different GWP over $100
Creating a promotion with multiple offers
First, create a promotion with a single offer:
In the menu select Promotions
Click the button "Create promotion"
Set a title
Pick the offer type of your first offer
Configure the widgets
Configure the trigger
Then, add more offers to the promotion.
In the menu select Promotions
Edit your promotion
Find the "Offers" section
Click "Add offer"